Samstag, 23. Mai 2009

Place called home.

The subtitle. I got inspired of Heartland. Found out today that there exist a tv serie. Now i watch it. But the subtitle goes with my life. So i'll tell you what happened today. and what i processed yesterday. I won't go to Kanada. they didn't take me. who knows why..but fine. So i'll never speak English fluently. it's a pity. and i could weep. but whatever, i cannot change it. Oh guys. Heartland is very emotional. you have to watch it. and yesterday i watched the season finale of gossip girl. and it was great. very special. Today i was in a trick training. it was very cool. and i like the guys (: I think of him..
so tomorrow i'll go to an handball qualification and i really hope there are some cute guys. :b
It's gonna be an adventure because it's a complicated way and yeah. fine. I'll write. so have fun and see yooou. :*
Wanna do something like that next time. ♥

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