Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009

Zwischen Himmel & Liebe.

Hallihallo meine treuen Leser. Ich sprühe vor Energie heute. :D
dabei war mein Tag eigentlich gar nicht so cool aber ich hatte nach meinem sich ewig ziehenden Schultag Nachhilfe welche auch nicht die Bombe war aber dann Volleyball. eigentlich hatte ich gar keine Lust und war totally unmotivated buuuut it was amazing. :)
Very exhausting and wonderful. <3
& my weekend is going to be lovely. First, I'm going shopping. Wonderful, amazing, gorgeous clothes, shoes and sunglasses. Then my darling comes and we're going babysitting, i'm getting money aaand we're watching deutschland sucht den superstar. :)
Great. great great great. ok fine. think, that was it. tomorrow, i'm writing English. hope you'll wish me luck. :) but i hope it's goin to be easy. only an argumentation. ;D
to put it all in a nutshell my day was fine and i hope my weekend will be the same. for now, have a nice evening and you'll hear from me. :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. some little mistakes, my love :D
    whats about englisch? was it that easy you thought?
    & hope your weekend will be amazing.
